How to Cancel an Event, Meeting, or Trip
You DON'T want to cancel a contract without a negotiation strategy. My team and I have negotiated thousands of contracts and lots of cancellations over almost 20 years and would be happy to help out in any way we can. We're pros at legalese, cancellation terms, negotiating attrition, analyzing force majeure clauses, and general strategy for how to cancel or reschedule an event without being taken advantage of.
It's not at all simple - there's almost always room for negotiation. Contracts may seem cut and dry but there are often different ways to look at any contract clause. Your relationship and history with the supplier matters, as does the chance that you'll do business with them again in the future.
The four videos below will provide an overview of factors to consider, contract clauses to analyze, and negotiation strategy - plus a case study of how I canceled an incentive trip without penalty (and a full refund from the hotel).
If you have an upcoming event and would like a professional opinion on your contract terms, email me to schedule a time to talk. This is a tough time for everyone and it would be our pleasure to help if we can.
Part 1: The Decision to Cancel, Reschedule, or Go Virtual
Plus - why you should go SLOWLY.
Part 2: Contract Clauses To Analyze Before Cancelling
What you need to know to plan your negotiation strategy.
Part 3: Negotiation Strategies for Canceling Your Event
All negotiations are not equal - it depends on many factors.
Part 4: How I Successfully Cancelled an Incentive Trip
With a full refund from the hotel!